Sustainable planet. Better future.
ERF Project Services
We provide a full suite of project development and delivery services with flexible models of engagement.
Carbon project aggregation
By participating in a project aggregation, ERF project owners can control their risks, ease the administrative burden and reduce costs.
Several large emissions reduction project aggregations have been registered which span numerous agricultural properties and business enterprises across Australia.
Currently engaged on further aggregation projects across the soil carbon, reforestation, regeneration, savanna fire management, energy efficiency and transport sectors and leading the implementation of aggregated ERF project delivery in Australia.
ACCU creation and sales
Corporate Carbon manages all of the administrative steps needed to fulfil ERF compliance requirements, and the sale of the resulting ACCUs.
Steps include arrangement of ERF compliance audit, submission of completed documentation to the Clean Energy Regulator for approval and payment after ACCU issuance.
Carbon offset project reporting
Delivering the entire set of carbon offset project documentation for emissions reduction projects, including technical project descriptions, verification, monitoring and ongoing reporting requirements, including any ancillary administrative requirements under the ERF.
Examples include:
ERF project registration application
project implementation and management
securing of Eligible Interest Holder consent
fulfillment of conditional project registration declaration
carbon project offsets reporting and application for ACCUs
project variations.
More information
See our ERF project examples.