Sustainable planet. Better future.
Carbon credits
Australian Carbon Credit Units
Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) are issued as either Kyoto ACCUs or non-Kyoto ACCUs.
Kyoto ACCUs issued to a project proponent in relation to an eligible offsets project can be sold to the Commonwealth under a carbon abatement contract.
A project proponent enters into a carbon abatement contract with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER).
The CER administers projects on behalf of the Commonwealth.
There are two types of contracting options available under the Climate Solutions Fund (CSF). The Fixed Delivery contract and the Optional Delivery contract.
ACCUs can be retired by an auction, as part of the delivery contract. The auction format used by the Clean Energy Regulator is a reverse auction.
A reverse auction is a type of tendering process used to obtain the best price by encouraging competition among bidders.
Purchasing and trading credits
ACCUs that have not been surrendered, cancelled or relinquished can be traded.
Part of our work in the carbon market includes the sale of carbon credits to the voluntary market.
Purchased units can be used to achieve climate goals in the short term while an organisation is implementing longer term operational practices to reduce emissions.
Certain projects that we are involved in choose to sell their credits on the voluntary market. This provides opportunity for businesses aiming to become carbon neutral as part of Climate Active certification, or similar initiatives.
Although our main focus is on ACCUs, we also have access to and trade other types of credits, including international units.
International carbon credits
We have regular access to international carbon markets, as they relate to International Emissions Trading, set by UNFCCC, and trade international carbon credits.
Contact our team to learn more about international carbon credits.
Available ACCUs
We have credits for sale from multiple carbon abatement and sequestration projects across major sectors of the CSF, including:
Savanna Fire Management (project ID links: ERF101756, EOP100960, ERF104944)
Transport (project ID link: ERF102258)
Soil Carbon (project ID link: ERF104781)
Native Forest Regeneration (project ID links: ERF104646, ERF101304, ERF101812, ERF103197)
Environmental Planting (project ID link: EOP101162)
Energy Efficiency (project ID link: ERF102191)
Beef Herd Management (project ID link: ERF103431)
Contact our team to learn more about the available ACCUs.
Different types of credits
High quality credits often depend on what the buyer is seeking.
Co-benefits of projects that involve one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are often viewed favourably.
International frameworks such as the SDGs can assist in maintaining standards together with our industry's code of conduct and the Clean Energy Regulator, who administers carbon projects that utilise the CSF scheme.
Learn more about how we determine value of our projects by viewing details of our Paroo River North environmental project.
Carbon project methods
Participation in the CSF will be through a 'menu' of approved CSF methods designed for broad application to encourage business participation.
A full listing of these methods can be found at the Australian Government's website.
The methods provide structure for projects generating ACCUs and a nationally recognised standard that guarantees quality.
Projects fall within the Australian Government's Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource.
Integrity of credits
Project proponents will:
Identify emission reduction opportunity.
Select an appropriate method and assess eligibility of the project.
Register the project.
Confirmation of eligibility is determined under the methodology, and the newness and additionality of the project is confirmed.
Begin to implement and operate the project.
Report on an ongoing basis, which includes:
Independent audits of the project.
Reviews by the Regulator.
Receive ACCUs.
Through this process, the integrity of the project is ensured and guarantees that the ACCUs created are of the highest standards available.